Inferno Panic (2013)

Inferno Panic pits a lone firefighter against a blazing city. Extinguish fires as quickly as possible, before the city is reduced to rubble.

Inferno Panic was a solo project, prototyped and developed over a period of approximately six weeks. The primary goal of the project was to attempt development of a game that relied heavily on systems and simulation, rather than one-off mechanics. Fire was both fun and extremely challenging to simulate and required serious though into how to properly write code for things like heat, ignition, durability, and material consumption. Creating a system that was easily extendable was key, creating new block materials and fire types and how they interacted with extinguishing elements was important for generating additional content without greatly increasing development time.

While Inferno Panic never made it past the "prototype" stage, I was still able to accomplish about 90% of the goals that were set for the project. Additionally, the project allowed me to greatly improve my knowledge of Unity3D, C#, and programming in general.

[Download Inferno Panic

Platform: Windows PC
Genre: Action, Simulation, 3rd Person Shooter
Team: Chris Morris (Design, Programming, Art, Audio, UI), Bernard Hwang (Testing)
Development Time: 6 Weeks